Saturday: I did take one more shower in the morning, but it was hardly like it could relish it. Even in the high 80s, cold showers are pretty shocking. We headed out one last time from Mary’s home and down the windy, bumpy road to Accra. The Aburi Botanical Gardens are not far outside of Koforidua. Although they were nice, the looked pretty neglected. We couldn’t quite figure out where the paths were and Nadia mentioned that it looked like a few of the signs identifying plants had been moved. It was nice though just to walking around in an area that was free from exhaust. We saw a lot of interesting butterflies too. There was a bright yellow one with long wings and a black one with large white spots. It was impossible to photograph them, but it was reassuring to see nature alive and well in the neglected gardens. There were also some chickens walking around. I can’t really remember the last time I saw a live chicken in the US and they are everywhere here. I returned back to the hostel around 3 to find out that not only was the water still not running, but the tanks were completely empty. Also, my spare garbage can of water had mosquitoes in it when I opened the lid. I got the travel book out and started looking up alternatives to this hostel. There has to be something out there.
One of the tall trees in the Gardens

Pretty purple flowering tree

The bamboo bent over to create an awning

A windy stone staircase

This is a huge tree with interesting root structures

Sunday: Here we are to today. Several hours of typing up my week. The coolest place I can find is the office which is still 88.5 degrees with the fan on. I may have to go out and get more ice cream.
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